Paper Title :Automatic Control System Software for the Gas Pumping Unit with an Anti-Surge Algorithm based on Trace Mode 6
Author :Aleksei E. Zhdanov, Leonid G. Dorosinsky
Article Citation :Aleksei E. Zhdanov ,Leonid G. Dorosinsky ,
(2018 ) " Automatic Control System Software for the Gas Pumping Unit with an Anti-Surge Algorithm based on Trace Mode 6 " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 7-11,
Abstract : Continuous gas transportation depends on the stable operation of GPU. However, this stability can be disrupted
by a surge. Fighting this phenomenon is a complex technological task that requires a detailed study of the gas pumping unit's
Interaction of the operator with the ACS GPU is carried out through the adopted "man-machine interface", which regulates
the order of the operations of preparation, start-up and control of GPU.
Thus, implemented software based on TRACE MODE 6 with an anti-surge algorithm, previously the algorithm was
implemented by a third-party device. The described ACS software implements the management of the technological process
at all stages and already used on real gas pumping station (GPS).
Keywords - automatic control system, gas pumping unit, centrifugal compressor, surge, anti-surge
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-2
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Published on 2019-01-25 |