Paper Title
Role Of Cloud Computing In The Future Of Substation Automation
Abstract: Substation Automation provides monitoring and controlling of electrical substations .Currently electrical
substation consists of their in-house database servers and applications. These applications are meant to run 24*7*365 as
substations are the most crucial part of utilities network. Every substation has its own dedicated communication network and
these networks are generally works in isolation to avoid any major security risks. As the Cloud computing offers very high
computing power at a very low cost this paper examines if cloud computing can be used in real time systems applications
which are meant for substation automation. This paper is aimed at the recent developments in computing fields like cloud
computing which can be harnessed in the Substation automation. The substation automation is a very challenging area of
applications in which the computing demands are increasing day by day, to overcome this Cloud computing is very
promising. The Use of Cloud can break the barrier of hardware and provide the useful data at every level of operations from
any remote location.