Paper Title
Highway Traffic Surveillance By Unsupervised Learning
This paper presents an approach to a fine method to detect vehicles in video sequences. The detection process is
divided into two stages: ROI (region of interest) generation stage and ROI classification stage. In the first stage Haar-like
features are exploited to rapidly search the whole image and find interesting regions which may contain the vehicle. This
method incorporates well-studied computer vision and machine learning techniques to form an unsupervised system, where
particular vehicles (cars, SUVs and heavy vehicles) are automatically “learned” from video sequences. An adaptive
background mixture model is used to identify the positive vehicles; then a classifier with trained examples is used for
detection wherein both background subtraction and the classifier are used to achieve very accurate results while not
compromising efficiency. The proposed method exploits robust vehicle detection to allow for particular vehicle tracking in
high density traffic. This method is tested for Mumbai’s Roads (including National Highways NH-8 and NH-17, regular
roads as SV road and Link road) in various situations as for day time, night time, sunset and under high traffic. The proposed
surveillance is also tested in low, medium and high resolution with high level of accuracy and precision. The proposed
model is giving an acceptable and high range of detection accuracies from 87% to 94%