Paper Title
A Network - Aware Virtual Machine Placement Strategy in Cloud Computing based on Ant Colony System

Cloud computing is an unfolding technology for providing resources quickly and efficiently for cloud consumers. In cloud computing the resource request from clients are handled by creating virtual machines and it aims to find the best Physical machine to host the Virtual machines. Thus physical machine consolidation is an important problem in cloud paradigm. Most of the current research on physical machine consolidation only focuses on physical machine resources. In this paper , in addition to the constraints caused by the physical machine resources such as cpu and memory , the constraints caused by the network resources such as bandwidth is also taken into consideration. The problem of virtual machine placement is solved by using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm which schedule the underutilized physical machines thereby reduce the power consumption.Thus the proposed algorithm coined as NAACS (Network Aware Ant Colony System) aimed at reducing the number of active physical servers thereby optimizing the power consumption of the server. Keywords - Ant Colony System(ACS), Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine Placement(VMP).