Paper Title
Secured Data Transmission by Wireless Medical Devices to Cloud and other Monitoring Devices
Health is the most important factor in our day to day life and so highly important is the medical data of patients
and other medical devices the hospital. This paper highlights how the medical data from various wireless devices in the
hospital network can be securely transferred from wireless devices to the Server. Cloud playing the major part in storing data
is helpful in medical data storage. The wireless medical devices transmits data through heartbeat messages which are stored
in the server. This data is then serialized into JSON to send it to the Cloud. The data transmitted is encrypted using Self
Signed certificate in the root CAs of Client Server communication. Further the WCF web service is hosted using
NetTCPBinding chnnnel for easy, platform independent and secure client server communication. As per International
Medical Standards, the monitoring systems for medical device reads medical related data in only Health Level 7 (HL7)
format. In this paper, the system for HL7 data transmission to monitoring system is designed.
Keywords - wireless medical devices;Cloud;Heartbeat messages;WCF web services;Self signed
certificate;NetTCPBinding;Health level 7;JSON serialization /deserialization