Paper Title
Study on Food Growth Analysis using Big Data
The project will be implemented using the platform JAVA, Big Data and My SQL. An option will be created
which will give all the information regarding the food growth analysis. Furthermore each and every retailer and distributor
can use the software for maintaining the stock. We are going to develop a software which will help to find what actual grain
production is and accordingly will be distributed to all the wholesalers and retailers.It will calculate how much grains and
food is produced and what is reached to retailers. Hence, according to survey we will come to know what quantity of food is
left, so the left food is used for import and export. The food growth supply in India is decreasing day by day. The grains
which are produced are not meeting the acceptance of customer even retailer shops don’t have the information regarding the
stock management. The project will be helping in managing, distributing and surveying the stock.
Keywords - Big Data, SQL , Java, Web Development Languages