Paper Title :Implementation of High Security System For Inter Cloud
Author :Snehal Gaikwad, Pragati Patil Bedekar
Article Citation :Snehal Gaikwad ,Pragati Patil Bedekar ,
(2016 ) " Implementation of High Security System For Inter Cloud " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 1-3,
Abstract : Cloud computing is the new era to providing various services to the customer at low cost. Many companies start
to provide various cloud computing services for users at the same time these services also go with some security problems.
Now most of cloud computing systems provide digital identity for users to access their services; this will bring some
difficulty for a hybrid cloud that includes multiple private clouds or inter clouds system. Today most cloud computing
system use asymmetric and conventional public key cryptography techniques to provide more data security and
authentication. Identity-based cryptography has provided the new characteristics that seem to fit well the requirements of
cloud computing. In this paper we try to implement high security measures to the inter cloud system using the AES
encryption techniques.
Keyword- Cloud computing, digital identity, cryptography, hybrid cloud, private clouds, inters clouds.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-12-01 |