Paper Title :Cloud Accounting Software: Awareness and Adoption by the Accounting Practitioners
Author :Santosh Marwadi Kumbhar
Article Citation :Santosh Marwadi Kumbhar ,
(2023 ) " Cloud Accounting Software: Awareness and Adoption by the Accounting Practitioners " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 26-33,
Abstract : Cloud accounting software is also known as web-based accounting software is accounting software that is hosted
on the server and the server is always connected to the world wide web. Cloud accounting software will be the future of
accounting software. Cloud accounting software is different from traditional accounting software. Traditional accounting is
desktop-based accounting software. The software is installed and it is run on from the hard drive of the computer system. It
requires periodic updating, maintenance cost, backup cost for all financial information. While using traditional accounting
software the business needs to spend on the maintenance, backup and installation cost it is expensive for the business and it
is a time-consuming process. Due to the changing environment and rapid increase in the advancement of technology now
accounting software have also been advanced and given rise to cloud accounting software.
As there is rapid growth in the uses of cloud-based accounting software, the present study focused on the awareness and
adoption of cloud-based accounting software among accounting practitioners. If they are aware of this system what are the
reasons for adoption and if they are aware but have not yet adopted this system, then the reasons for their non-adoption.
Keywords - Accounting Application, Cloud Accounting Software
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-12-29 |