Paper Title :Job Allocation Strategy To Avoid Further Migration In Cloud Computing
Author :Renu Krishnan, Silja Varghese
Article Citation :Renu Krishnan ,Silja Varghese ,
(2014 ) " Job Allocation Strategy To Avoid Further Migration In Cloud Computing " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 25-28,
Abstract : Cloud Computing is a rampant technology nowadays because of its scalability, flexibility, availability of
resources and the other features. In cloud computing resource multiplexing is done through the virtualization technology.
Virtualization technology is acts as a backbone for provisioning requirements of a cloud based solution. The problems
arising in cloud computing using virtualization must be solved. In present cloud computing environment, load balancing is
one of the challenging issues. An efficient load balancing using migration makes cloud computing more efficient, improves
user satisfaction and can achieve green computing. With this migration approach, if load rebalancing is needed, it is difficult
to find where to migrate the load. We present a better novel approach for solving this problem using prediction based
migration algorithm by utilizing historical data. In this way we can avoid cascading migration and ensure the better load
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-11-01 |