Paper Title :Student Attendance System using Face Recognition in Cloud Computing
Author :V.Sellam, Madhurika Patil, Alekya Kunadharaju, Rishika Movva, Swagatha Swaminathan
Article Citation :V.Sellam ,Madhurika Patil ,Alekya Kunadharaju ,Rishika Movva ,Swagatha Swaminathan ,
(2018 ) " Student Attendance System using Face Recognition in Cloud Computing " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 26-29,
Abstract : Everyday attendance system in most of the colleges is pen and paper based. The teachers have to manually enter
the student’s attendance for each lecture. It is very hectic to manage the attendance records of so many students. There are
also chances where proxy attendance of a student is issued even when the student is not present. To overcome these kinds of
issues related to attendance systems we have come up with an idea of online based automated attendance system. The
attendance system will try to overcome the issue of manually entering the attendance and proper management of attendance
database system. Here with the help of facial recognition technology we will detect the attendance of each and every student
and using a cloud server we will make this database accessible to all the students and teachers anytime, anywhere.
Keywords- Attendance System, Facial recognition, Automated System, Feature extraction, Cloud.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-1
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Published on 2018-08-16 |