Paper Title :Internet of Things for Smart Cities
Author :Arun Kumar J, G R Kiranmayi
Article Citation :Arun Kumar J ,G R Kiranmayi ,
(2017 ) " Internet of Things for Smart Cities " ,
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC) ,
pp. 1-4,
Abstract : The main of this project is to monitor the Air Quality, Temperature, Humidity and Sound Level. Internet of
Things ( IOT) is emerging technology for remote monitoring of the surrounding parameters with the use of sensors, it senses
the data in real time and transfer them into the desired form and help to forward the sensed data across the network cloud via
‘Internet connection’. The project uses the IOT ‘ThingSpeak’ web service which is an open API service that act as a host for
a variety of sensors to monitor the sensed data at cloud level. The updated data can be accessible through the internet from
anywhere. This project also uses an Arduino UNO board, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module that helps to process and transfer the
sensed data to the ThingSpeak Cloud.
Keywords - Arduino UNO, ESP8266, Channel ID, Matlab R2016a, API Key, Thingspeak IOT Cloud.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-01-23 |