Paper Title
Software-Defined Networking For RSU Clouds In Support Of The Internet Of Vehicles

We propose a roadside unit (RSU) cloud, a vehicular cloud, as the operational backbone of the vehicle grid in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) with the integration of sensors and microcontrollers in the vehicles and fixed roadside infrastructure to form an intelligent vehicle grid to cooperatively increase traffic flow and road safety. In this paper, we propose a novel vehicular cloud architecture called RSU cloud, which consists of traditional RSUs and specialized microscale datacenters. The RSU cloud hosts services to meet frequently changing demands from the vehicle grid. The novelty of our RSU cloud architecture lies in benefiting from the flexibility and deep programmability offered in softwaredefined networking (SDN). In SDN, there are two communication planes, the physical data plane and an abstracted control plane. This decoupling of control and data planes enables the flexibility and programmability of the SDN. Keywords— Roadside Unit (RSU), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Software-Defined Networking (SDN)